Is your child being penalized for bad handwriting or not wanting to write? You study with him every evening, and he still writes, “like a chicken paw”? This problem is easy to solve, and we will help you with this! After all, now he is underestimated for bad handwriting, and then they can even lower his self-esteem!

Children do not have enough teacher attention at the beginning of learning to write, and parents are forced to join this process, who claim that teaching a child to write beautifully and quickly is an impossible task, because the child constantly asks mom or dad to write essays for me. But the most important thing is that handwriting problems can make the smartest child a loser at school. Teachers explain that in elementary school they are required to take handwriting grades down as part of the assessment criteria developed by the Ministry of Education.
What to do if the child's handwriting is not readable?
Alas. Ugly handwriting is indeed the reason for the failure of many children. First, in elementary school, grades are reduced because handwriting is ugly. Then the child loses motivation to learn, because the handwriting cannot be changed. In addition, a child who writes ugly often writes more slowly than other children, because his hand gets tired faster. As a result, he does not have time to write everything on the tests and gets low marks. And in high school, she does not have time to write notes, because of illegible handwriting she receives low marks, since the teacher cannot always decipher what she has written. As a result, even the smartest child can turn into a loser due to handwriting.