There's just one month and a half left to go before the release date of World of Warcraft 's WoTLK Gold forthcoming expansion, Battle for Azeroth. We've had a look at gameplay, collector's editions, and much more, but now it's time for some in-depth details on PvP and other new features that will be added to the expansion.
The first time we saw Battle for Azeroth teased in November of the previous year. The world has been plunged into a conflict between Alliance and Horde, and we also know that the expansion will add many new continents, and raise the limit of leveling up to 120. But that's not all that's being updated. PvP-related talents are seeing some improvements, and there's three new features to sink your to: War Mode, bounties as well as The Dueler's Guild.
New WoW Battle For Azeroth Expansion's PvP, War Mode, Bounties Plus More Information - GS News Update
The WoW blog provides a comprehensive overview of these features. This time around, PvP talents might be somewhat different than the ones you're used to. In Legion it is possible to earn talents through playing in PvP , and earning honors levels. However, this makes new players at a disadvantage. For Battle for Azeroth, talents are made available at a reach a certain level. Instead of rows to select from, you'll have the option of choosing groups of talents from. At level 110 you'll have all the talents readily available for you to select from.
From that, there is a new way to buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold play PvP War Mode. It is no longer a matter of boundaries and server rules. Every player is able to play in any realm and opt-in and leave at any time they wish.
The WoW blog on Poehub offers a comprehensive overview of these features.